Our Creators

Niege Borges, a Brooklyn-based creator who has hand-drawn designs for NY Support System clothes, loves "that moment when I am walking in the city being busy and thinking about a bunch of different things and I see something that makes me realize that I feel at home in this chaotic and big city away from my first home. It also makes me think of people that were able to finally find a home after struggling wherever they are from originally."Β 


Eugenia Mello is a Latin-American, Brooklyn-based illustrator and graphic designer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2017, she was awarded a Gold medal from the Society of Illustrators for her illustrated moving piece Hope for the Day and 2019 she received a Silver medal for Why Are We Still Dismissing Girl’s Pain? an OP-ED illustration for the New York Times. In 2020, her recently published first picture book β€˜Moving’ was awared a Silver Cube by the Art Directors Club of New York.